How to optimize one’s presence on freelancing platforms?

Freelancing platforms have come to revolutionize the professional world and they are now very successful. It is not surprising that they are as numerous and as diversified in terms of specialties.

For the freelancer, it is not enough to merely find a freelancing platform that best meets their ambitions and skills, but they should also make sure they are visible to their clients.

Since freelancing platforms have their own search engines, most of them abide by the same optimization rules as regular engines such as Google and Bing, but with some specificities.

Befreelancer offers you some advice to optimize your presence on freelancing platforms.

Finding the right key words to present your skills

Every platform proposes a search based on key words generally linked to the field of expertise researched because clients look primarily for well-targeted skills for their assignments.

At the level of your presentation sheet, you must mention your field of expertise with key words more likely to be researched.

You can identify them by using Google Adwords (if you have an active account) or by referring to those mentioned by the most visible profiles on the platform.

Nevertheless, try not to get scattered on many fields of expertise so as not to lose your credibility regarding your mastery of said skills.

Gather a maximum of reviews

The more you get reviews, the more your profile is visible; that is how search engines work.

It would thus be interesting to invite your clients to evaluate your work and leave a review at the end of each assignment, and even an encouraging testimony on your profile. This will definitely boost your visibility and by the same token your renown amongst other users of the platform!

Offer a highly competitive rate

In the freelancing sector, the rate influences the decision of the clients from the onset; which is why many platforms display it at the level of the selection filters.

Offering an interesting rate—i.e., lower than the competition—will boost your visibility; the more your profile is looked up, the more the search engine will consider your profile as trustworthy and will give you “visibility bonuses.”

Furthermore, a lot of new freelancers start by proposing low rates to ensure a fast and growing visibility at first, and they raise them after a while.

Follow traffic statistics

The freelancing platform provides you with statistics about your profile: visitors, key words used to find you, the number of assignments you’ve been offered, bounce rate, etc.

Thanks to these indicators, you can assess how attractive is your profile and make the necessary improvements.

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