Befreelancer, the platform of the best freelance missions in computer science!

How it works for freelancers

Are you a freelancer in the computing industry looking for reliable clients? Many missions levelling up to your expectations await you on Befreelancer!

Find below the different advantages offered to freelancers by becoming a member of our platform and follow the steps to find missions!

What are the benefits for Freelancers?

Free registration and test period

OYour registration on our platform is free, you can create your account and apply for up to 10 missions for free. You can thus test the quality of the proposed missions and the reliability of the partner companies. It’s important to note that we take a commission of 5% on the amount of the service.

Ease of use

In just a few minutes, you can create an account, we guide you through clear fields for the enhancement of your profile. Only a few minutes suffice to make your profile visible to companies in the Befreelancer network.

Ongoing missions

You are in regular contact with clients for new assignments related to your skills and know-how. You have the possibility to apply for an unlimited number of missions if you opt for our "Freelance" package.

Simplified administrative management

Befreelancer simplifies administrative tasks so you can focus on your mission! Our platform takes care of the management of all administrative and contractual formalities (estimation, invoice, contract, obligations).

Secure and guaranteed payment

Befreelancer guarantees payment. The sum is blocked when the mission is accepted and you will be paid just after the realization of the service. In addition, Befreelancer uses a secure payment system, you just have to carry out your mission in all serenity! In addition, Befreelancer uses a secure payment system, you just have to carry out your mission in all serenity!

Become a member of Befreelancer

You are a freelance, independent intellectual in the computing industry and want to become a member of Befreelancer and enjoy the benefits offered by our platform? Follow these steps:

Step 1: Create your account

Easily create your account to be contacted by future customers. In this first step, you are asked to specify your skills with relevant words. This is a very important step as customers will search you based on skills, training ... using well-targeted queries. Feel free to add a professional profile photo, include a brief introduction about yourself, a description of your most important work and specify your average daily rate and other required information.

Step 2: Mission selection

Once your account is created, you get a list of assignments that can match your expertise from which you can select the ones that inspire you the most. You send your estimate to the offers that interest you. At this level, our platform gives you the opportunity to interact with customers to have as much information as possible about the requirements of the mission and to propose a better quantification of the work to be done.

Step 3: Acceptance of the mission

If your estimate is accepted, you sign an offer of acceptance of the assignment according to the terms agreed upon with the customer (price, deadlines, specifications), expressing the will of both parties to work together.

Step 4: Receipt of payment

Upon acceptance of the estimate, the customer deposits the amount of the budget of the mission on our platform Befreelancer’s account. You can begin your mission with the certaintyof receiving your payment once the mission is completed and validated by the client. Befreelancer is responsible for issuing the invoices and triggering the payment after the validation of the mission.