Looking for a Freelancer?

Are you looking for a good profile for a one-time assignment? Befreelancer offers you a connection with qualified and competent freelancers in the IT field and business consulting.

Benefits for companies

With Befreelancer, you bring multiplied agility, implementation capacity and scalability to your business!

Access to a broad base of talents

By opting for Befreelancer's "Enterprise" offer, you have access to a broad base of qualified freelancers in the IT and consulting trades; a database of profiles that are not easily visible with traditional recruitment platforms. This gives you twice the chance of finding the talent or skills you needfast.

Reliable freelancers and verified profiles

Our platform checks the information on freelancers’ profiles that are part of the Befreelancer network and ensures that service providers are up-to-date in their social and tax obligations.

Securing payment

Payment via our platform is secure. From protection against advanced encryption fraud to 24-hour transaction monitoring, Befreelancer is responsible for protecting your payment.

Time saving

Because your time is precious, Befreelancer handles the administrative tasks (quote, invoice, contract, obligations) to allow you to focus on your core business.

Experience sharing

Befreelancersuggests an evaluation system after each mission, the aim being to note the quality of the collaboration and the degree of satisfaction of the company and the freelance. This information is likely to help businesses in their choice. In addition, Befreelancer ensures a regular update of the missions carried out via the platform by each Freelancer with enough details allowing companies to judge whether the freelance experience corresponds to the requirements of the mission in view.

How to find a freelance? Steps

By publishing your mission on our platform, you increase your visibility with interested and interesting freelancers. Follow the steps below to start your application:

Post a mission

Post your mission by indicating precisely your needs and expectations (features, deadlines ...). We will immediately communicate your ad to freelancers who match your criteria.

Choosing a freelancer

You will quickly receive various proposals from freelancers who comply with your needs: skills, expertise, average daily rate. You have the possibility to exchange with those who catch your attention via the internal messaging system of our platform and this is to better guide your choice and select the ideal profile for the success of your mission.

Estimation and payment

Once the different terms of the mission are accepted from both sides, Befreelancer proceeds to the contract stage with the establishment of an estimate between your company and the freelancer. The amount of the benefit will be debited from your account and blocked at our financial partner. The provider will only be paid if you validate the assignment.

Mission evaluation

Once the mission is completed and validated, you are asked to evaluate the work of freelancer. This action will help other companies benefit from your experience. Do you want to save time in recruitment? Need a freelancer for your business? We find you the most suitable freelancers for your project! Do not hesitate to contact us !