Befreelancer’s mission is to simplify yours!!!

FAQ: helps use our freelance platform - befreelancer

Freelancer or company, check out our FAQ to find answers to questions you may have about using our platform.

A freelancer is an independent intellectual service provider often working for several clients at once, as opposed to an employee for a single company. Their income is exclusively related to the missions / jobs they carry out on the basis of hourly or daily rates. Freelancers can work on several different jobs or projects at the same time. A freelancer must hunt work themselves. This can be done in different ways and, in general, a variety of methods is used. It can rely on networking events, word-of-mouth, or specialized BtoB connection platforms like

Befreelancer is a 100% online job outsourcing platform that connects companies with freelancers in several fields and trades:

  • Computing
  • Professional advice
  • Engineering
  • Project management
  • Strategy
  • Management allows companies to find freelancers able to carry out the suggested missions with great efficiency. Employers post jobs and can choose from freelancers who have the skills to do the job, without the need to recruit. On the other hand,freelancers have the opportunity to choose the missions they want to save without imposition of acceptance. Befreelancer is also aimed at "No freelancers" who wish to join the micro-business scheme and be allowed to work for their own account.

The Micro-entrepreneur scheme formerly called self-entrepreneur is a form of self-employment in France. This status provides less-demanding regulations for starting a business, as well as a simplified method for calculating and paying social security contributions and income tax. Under this scheme, you essentially pay a fixed percentage of your gross income in taxes and social security contributions without any compensation for expenses.

Start by registering as a freelancer, fill in all the fields in your profile and request a validation. Then clearly define your skills, highlight your essential expertise, download your professional resume, include all certifications or relevant test results to enhance your credibility, and upload a professional photo of yourself. The more information you provide, the better your chances of being hired. After validation of your profile by the Be Freelancer team, you will be able to access all our services and respond to announcements.

The profiles and details of the skills of the freelancers will be visible only for the companies which subscribe to our Premium offer for "Company". However, all companies can post assignments after free creation of their Befreelancer account.

The validation of your estimates and invoices is done online and remains registered on the Befreelancer platform. Payments are funded through our financial team. You will receive the payment of your invoices as soon as the mission is evaluated and validated by your customer.

You sign with Befreelancer a mandate that allows us to provide a model of quote and invoice pre-filled with your billing information and those of the customer. Our platform records your transactions to provide you with an annual report that will help you to report your income. All invoices are also available and downloadable from your account.