With Befreelancer.fr benefit from an exceptional support to become freelance!

Becoming a freelancer

You are a non-freelancer, an employee and / or looking for a job? Do you want to start as an independent intellectual service-provider? Befreelancer is the first digital platform that will accompany you with ease in achieving your goal!

Benefits of our platform

100% online approach

With Befreelancer, you can do every step there is online. A practical initiative that will save you time.

Simplified administrative procedures

Our platform offers you a simplified guide to social and tax obligations: declaration and payment of taxes, insurance, creation of professional bank accounts.

Regular accompaniment

With Befreelancer, you will be guided through all stages of the launch of your project: from the registration for the creation of your micro entrepreneur status, through the development of your quote and payment procedures. Do not wait any longer, check out our "Become Freelance" offer and start your own business!

Become a freelancer: how does it work?

2 minutes suffice to submit your request for creation of micro-enterprise. Our platform takes the necessary steps with the state to obtain your “Siret”(registration number). Befreelancer then gives you access to a micro-business guide (declaration and payment of taxes) and requests for ACRE and ARCE, insurance, creation of a professional bank account ..., in short, all that is necessary for your new business status to be effective. You will have a CV template and a skills sheet to fill and complete your profile and be visible as a Befreelancer network partner. You can apply for free for 10 missions via our platform, or even more if you subscribe to our "Freelance" offer. Freelance, the steps to find a mission.